......I will add more photos later on capturing the last eight years and also add her pictures from her special day to commemorate her very special and big birthday but for now I just wanted to throw in a little message to her! To my biggest birthday girl, wowie!!! 8 years old!!! Is that ever big or what!!! Mommy and daddy love you so very much and are so very proud of you!!! You are such a wonderful girl and you bring sunshine with you wherever you go!!! You are the first of our baby bunch and you have been such a big helper and such a great big sister! You are definitely our little hen and have never had any trouble even to this day raising your little sister and baby brother and even us grown-ups!!! I love you deeper each and every day and I have so many hopes and dreams for you and whole future to share them with you!!! Just you wait kiddo, the best is yet to come!!! Happy Birthday my sweet 8 year old!!! May your day be full of love, laughter, sunshine, hearts, balloons, stars, rainbows, cupcakes, candy, and cake and everything else out there happy in the world!!! May this coming year be a blessed, safe, healthy, happy, and bright one where you are always happy and have more hugs and loves than you know what to do with!!! Love, mommy & daddy